Some years ago my dear husband have made some little cats on recycled wooden tiles and he sells everything on a small fair-show.(This one down here is his work).
This year I wanted to present my work on little ricyclated wooden peaces and see what is going to happend! This 4 tiles is only the begining,I am making some others in this moment and I will update you soon!
Qualche anno fa mio marito fece dei quadretti di piccoli gatti su delle tavole di legno riciclato e le vendette tutte in una piccola fiera-mercato.Quest'anno (per ferragosto) mi presento io con le mie tavole di legno e vedremo cosa succederà (speriamo bene). Queste 4 sono le prime,le sto facendo diverse in questo momento e vi aggiornerò presto!
In the last days I have worked on a commissioned illustration. It had to represent a young mayor, these are only directives that I had, the result has been amazingly pleasant, for me and for the customer.I can hardly wait to repet this exeirience.You can see this complete drawing here: